
The Kenya National Congress of Pentecostal Churches accepts all like-hearted Bible-believing Christians into the fellowship of Congress.We recognize and affirm that every church joining "The Congress" has its distinct spiritual practices, doctrine and the way that it deals with its affairs. With this in mind, all members prescribe to a common doctrinal stand where the Biblical scripture is the basis of the shared doctrinal stand that guarantees our unity of faith amidst the membership diversity.

The Kenya National Congress of Pentecostal Churches (KNCPC) provides two levels of membership. Corporate and Individual. Congress welcomes "like hearted", and"like faith" churches, organizations and Christians of good standing to apply for membership after agreement with our Statement of Faith and KNCPC Objectives and Functions. The membership fee is as follows:

Corporate Organizations - Kes 10,000

Church Organizations - Kes 5,000

Individual Christians - Kes 1,000

How to Make Payments:

The Kenya National Congress of Pentecostal Churches

Account Number: 0020260871706, Equity Bank, Fourways Branch, Nairobi.

Paybill Number: 247 247

Enter the Account Number: 0020260871706

Then forward the payment message to the phone number: 0723 875 598

Membership Benefits

Membership is open to all registered Christian churches and organizations that share its doctrinal beliefs as taught in the Holy Bible. Congress Membership shall be regulated as provided for in the KNCPC Constitution. Here are the benefits of joining Congress as Corporate Member or Individual Member.

1. Have a sense of belonging by being part of a larger family.

2. Opportunity for representa networking -Every member has a voice -through "Congress" your voice gets heard.

3. Social support and economic empowerment-. As Kenyans say, "Unity is Strength" – together everyone achieves more.

4. Spiritual support - Individual and corporate members shall benefit from authentic apostolic covering and ecclesiastical mentorship.

5. Opportunity for capacity building for individual members and for church leaders.

Membership Categories

Corporate Membership:

Open to all officially registered Kenyan churches and other organizations in Kenya wishing to apply as corporate members and renew their membership annually. The church should have at least one assembly/branch. The application form is provided below.

Individual Membership:

Individual Christians can also apply to join KNCPC as individual applicants by making the prescribed fee to Congress. The Application Form for individual Membership is provided below.